Testo di Maybe di Valentina Monetta

Valentina Monetta non è di certo una novellina dell'Eurovision Song Contest, la cantante di San Marino partecipa per il terzo anno consecutivo alla competizione musicale più importante d'Europa.

Valentina Monetta salirà sul palco di Copenaghen durante la prima semifinale, quella prevista per martedì 6 maggio 2014, e presenterà al pubblico Maybe, brano pop completamente in inglese.

Riuscirà questa volta la cantante ad accedere alla finale?

In attesa di scoprilo vi lascio con il testo della canzone:

Maybe there's a pearl in the shell
Maybe there's a story to tell
Maybe we can not live in peace cos we're under a spell

Maybe there’s a light from above 
Maybe there’s a flight of a dove 
When it's time 
To open the heart of love 

Maybe we can try
Maybe you and I
Are finding pain to overcome

Maybe then one day
Every soul heals and will find a way

And maybe 
We really are the dream of God
And we woke up in flesh and blood
With our emotion transformed into gold

Or maybe 
In certain solid ways I feel 
I know there’s nothing stronger and more real 
Than falling in love

Maybe you and I
Are tear drops from the sky 
That fill the sea eternally 

Maybe we can try
To challenge the fear of the endless night 

And maybe 
We really are the dream of God
And we woke up in flesh and blood
to find our bodies transformed into gold

Or maybe 
In certain solid ways I feel 
I know there’s nothing stronger and more real 
Than falling in love

Maybe it’s a journey in the darkest night
Maybe we can make it to the morning light
Maybe this is it this is real and I feel this is right
Finally right

And maybe
The courage that I'm finding now
Remembering and sensing how
We fell in love
